Convenience Food

About the Convenience Food Product Industry

This category comprises a vast group of food processing companies and products like; Spices, powder, grain, bulk, sugar, fruit & vegetable, frozen ready packed products, produce, ice cream rendering and many more.

Most food producing companies has a brand and a consumer to protect, and care for. They also have a responsibility to comply with modern day rules and regulations, national guidance of good conduct, HACCP or IFS, BRC or the like.

Foreign metal objects can find their way into food products in many different ways. Most typical are contamination from raw material, maintenance, processing machines and operators. These contaminations do not only potentially endanger the well-being of consumers, but can also inflict significant cost on producers and their brands.

DETECTRONIC has a vast experience in many different industries. We can with our versatile, tough and reliable metal detector brand provide you with a sustainable solution to eliminate the risk of foreign metal contamination in your products.

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